Another Warhammer. The best board games of the Old World and the forty -first millennia

Universes Warhammer 40 000 And Warhammer Fantasy Battles Most are familiar with computer games. Dawn of War And Total War: Warhammer Many have caused a desire to collect and color their own army. But the history of the two worlds is reflected not only in Wargams. For thirty -five years, the British publishing house released many board games of other genres, but in the same universe, and even more often turned to the services of third -party developers. These games collected awards, were repeatedly reprinted, but always remained in the shadow of the "elders".

Let's fix this omission and recall the most outstanding projects on the world of the Hammer of War.

Mordheim and Necromunda

After the catastrophe, Mordheim began to be called the city of the damned.

The same Warhammer, only a smaller scale. If in original games you could send a whole regiment into battle, moreover, with the support of tanks and artillery, then in Mordheim and Necromunda a small detachment will be under your beginning. But every soldier in it has a much greater set of abilities. At least theoretically – both games support the campaign mode, allowing the characters to accumulate experience points and change them to skills.

The plot of Mordheim tells of the struggle of almost all the factions of the Old World for the fragments of Mordheim Meteorite. It's all about the warp-stone, the magical material on which the good part of the equipment works in Warhammer Fantasy Batts (the Skavens are all the same). A significant role in the game is given to equipment, be prepared to choose swords and chain mail to your warriors.

Among other equipment items in Necromunda there are gas masks and chemical weapons.

Necromunda leaves the cosmodesant with the adherents of chaos aside and talks about the war of street gangs in a huge-Ulya city on the planet Necromund. The strengths of your gang and the possibility of its development will depend on the choice of the mafia clan. It often has to fight on the streets, so the game is implemented in the game. High -tech weapons are unfamiliar to the bandits, and they are not easy to manage with this.

Games Workshop They are going to reprint both games in the near future, but for now Canadians from Rogue Factor carefully transfer them to computers and prefixes.

Battlefleet Gothic

Battlefleet Gothic – Perhaps the largest game in the entire line. Battle units here are huge spaceships. The plot refers to the Gothic war, which began with the invasion of Abaddon the ruin, the heir to Horus and the leader of the Black Legion, but playing for chaos or Imperium is not necessarily. If you want – collect the flotilla of Eldar pirates or slow and inevitable necrons. The vessels are divided into classes, differ in the number and caliber of guns, as well as the presence of hangars for fighters.

Thanks to the increasing swivel force, even the most clumsy ship, falling into the gravitational well of the planet or moon, will unfold in two scores.

Ships move on the field reactively, and in order to turn, you will have to discard speed. Although for the same Eldars this is not a problem. In each round of the battle, four phases are played out, the most interesting of which is “Ordance” (English. ordnance) when torpedoes, bombers, fighters and landing modules are included in the battle. Shells, moving independently of ships, have certain freedom of action and features like ignoring enemy shields.

The desktop Battlefleet Gothic has not yet been restarted, you have to either look for old models at auctions, or play computer Battlefleet Gothic: Armada.

Blood Bowl and Blood Bowl: Team Manager

In the "Bloody Cup" on a rectangular field in the cell there are twenty -two soldiers to … drive the ball. Blood Bowl – This is American football for survival. The nominal task is to bring the ball to the enemy’s test line as often as possible in two half of eight rounds. In fact, most of the match you will build “columns” from players and count the cells. If the player breaks contact with the enemy, he has the right to hit the coward. The allies nearby will add relics to your attacks. The need for positional game and the high error price make Blood Bowl a much more tactical and complex game than Warhammer itself.

But in Blood Bowl: Team Manager The ball is not necessary at all. In the card game, the team coach wins, who won the most fans over the season. Matches here are played conditionally: players laid out around the stadium of more and more players (drinking each other and sometimes selecting the ball), who will have more total power, he will take the award. As in the basic game, here you can develop team skills, hire magicians and support group, “grind” the judge and buy legionnaires to the team. But all new abilities are displayed not on a character sheet, but on maps of several decks.

Computer Blood Bowl supports studio Cyanide , The desktop recently reprinted Games Workshop herself. Team Manager, unfortunately, disappeared from the shelves forever.

Star players will strengthen any team, but it is not so easy to conclude a contract.

Underworlds: Shadespire

Once the inhabitants of the spire of the shadows lived miracles, not knowing either grief or death. But once the lord of the undead Nagash depleted the magical forces of the shadows, which fed the city. Now the gray streets are inhabited only by the ghosts of the past and looters ..

Underworlds: Shadespire – The game in the new setting that replaces the setting closed Fantasy Battles. In fact, this is also a slymish-warheim, the battle of small detachments. In the basic box are the soldiers of Khorn, who is already familiar to us by the god of chaos, and the new fraction of the drilling, the best warriors of all races, the divine power of Sigmar raised from the dead and chained in shining armor (fantasy version of the space marines).

Shadespire – the first well -building game of the publisher, and from the previous sketches it differs in more stringent rules, the best balance and less duration of the parties – about an hour. Fights are held on a hexagonal field. In addition to detachments, the game helps in the game the maps of the authorities similar to spells in KKI. To win, it is not necessary to destroy the entire enemy army-as in the "large" Warhammer, there is a regime of struggle for an artifact point. The game first received the official tournament support of Games Workshop, with promotions, prizes and advertising materials, is completely Russified and requires much less investment than the original.

Mind, honor and conscience of the Sigmara era.

Space Hulk

Ships in Warhammer 40,000 travel through a dangerous warp, and even gigantic cruisers now and then do not return from the flight. According to the plot, space marines from the Order of Bloody Angels are landing on board the ship thrown out by the warp. Such ships are flying treasures. Lost technologies, rare resources, valuable equipment … A sortie is worth the risk. Unfortunately, the abandoned ship managed to occupy tyranides – monstrous, constantly mutating creatures that transform any biomass into individuals of their species. In the holds of the star wanderer, whole hordes of predatory genocles lurked.

Space Hulk is an excellent example of an asymmetric game. Having selected the script, you lay out narrow corridors and tight compartments on the table, along which space marines and genocrands will move. The former are small, but chained in armor and well armed. The machine-gun queue or psi capacity will detain tyranides on the way … If only the bolter does not jam! But the genocles are hundreds, and the new ones arrive again and again, crawling out of the dark corners and declaring the edges of the game field. Interesting thematic rule: the course of space marines is limited by sand clock.

Space Hulk is regularly reprinted, and its card version Space Hulk: Death Angel Domocked from production, but still found at flea markets. Also, a board game is available in Steam.

The green planet reminds the paratroopers, how many cartridges they have left.


A warp-line appeared in the anti-Russian sector, through which the forces of Chaos penetrate the world of Warhammer 40,000-it means that there is work for the Imperium agents. Having chosen the character and receiving the starting things, the players are free to move him according to the planets of the sector so that the hero saves the experience and before the others get to the fault.

Rules RELIC based on the rules of the classic desktop Talisman , In fact-Brodille games. The cast of the cube determines the place where the character can get a new task, fight with a monster or buy a new equipment. Battles are also played out with the help of playing bones. Relic distinguishes a variety in the methods of pumping and in the equipment of the character (the techno -het, for example, gets powerful units from the start). Additions change the victorious conditions and allow you to play for the enemies of the empireum.

The game has lost the publisher, but Games Workshop plans to release it with another.

Instead of cogley chips here are such physiognomy. Ground good if painted.

Forbidden Stars

Perhaps the best world game Warhammer, the ideological heiress of a cult desktop Starcraft.

There are four fractions in the cramped sector – cosmodesant, chaos, orcs and Eldars – are fighting for valuable planets. The one who will collect four goals to the other will win. The map of the Galaxy Modular, the players themselves collect it, deciding that it is more important – to stick the capital closer to the treasured tokens or, conversely, hide important goals from the enemy. Troops are controlled using tokens of orders placed on the selected sector. You can (and it is necessary!) to interfere with the plans of opponents, laying their tokens on top of strangers, since you can only fulfill the "upper" order.

The game has a wonderful balance, several development paths for each fraction, as well as the original battles, which involves both cards and cubes. It will not be possible to take the number-more than eight cubes in the battle will not be thrown (you can get so much by sending only three or four figures into battle). You have to develop technologies and buy strong combat cards. The game for different fractions is very different: the paratroopers are digging in bastions, chaos and Eldars are able to teleport their own through half aircraft, and orcs – to jump from the planet to the planet through outdoor space.

The combat decks of the four fractions are surprisingly different.

Role games in the world Warhammer

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay I survived three editions (and is waiting for the fourth), and all of them were radically different from each other. The latter actively used cards and special cubes – the character could be created by simply stretching a few cards from the deck and determining his career, initial skills and things. Releasing such decks, the developers sought to get around the pirates, but in fact they only scared away many players.

Warhammer 40 000 rolerts were more popular. The most noticeable of them, Dark Heresy , allowed players to get used to the role of inquisitors who store the imperium from internal threats: cults of chaos, heretics and agents of xenos. The characters of the players go to tasks, the essence of which is limited only by the fantasy of the presenter: from the battles the wall to the wall to confusing investigations for exposing corruptions. Rogue Trader allowed to play for free merchants and pirates ("firefly" in W40K? Easy to!), Deathwatch And Onlywar – For the cosmodesant and the imperial guard, respectively. The old lines of books are closed, but the new editorial offices of the rules are not far off.

The latest edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, in the wealth of the configuration, overtakes many tables.

Warhammer: Invasion and Warhammer 40 000: Conquest

The so -called live card games: you have to collect a deck, but there are no boosters with random cards in the game. Differ in mechanics original for the genre, but have problems with the balance.

Chip Warhammer: Invasion – The tablet of the capital. You do not just play for the creature, you decide which of the three zones it will go. Put on the left – the arrival of resources will increase. Right – take more cards at the beginning. Go – you can attack them the enemy capital. A variety of zones appeared in card games before, but it was here that the rules introduced them so elegantly.

A reliable way to defeat the enemy is to destroy his commander.

In Warhammer: Invasion is won by the one who destroyed at least two enemy zones.

IN Warhammer 40 000: Conquest You are every round fight with the enemy for a group of planets. Planets give resources and open previously inaccessible technologies for commanders. Having collected three identical symbols, the player receives control over the territory. The game has a lot of Yomi (the term from the game design): players decide every move for what planets their troops will fight, and the whole game depends on the skill of reading the enemy’s thoughts.

Both games are distinguished by an abundance of accessible fractions and opportunities for their combination. Only all -out -of -explosive tyranides do without allies. Unfortunately, both games are closed forever.

We remembered far from all board games on the universal Warhammer. If you have never painted miniatures, but the covenants of the emperor and the scream “WA-AGH!!!»For you they mean something-be sure to pay attention to this selection. The listed projects are not just good games in the popular setting, they are excellent in themselves.

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